how to use them

The Sprout affirmation cards come in a pack of 52. This allows one card to be picked each week for reflection.

For the Women

A moment to pause…

The sprout affirmation cards are purposively in an order to guide you along your positive journey. The graphics tell a story of women going through different seasons of life, with each of them ending with her having an abundance of positivity, confidence, and inner peace.

Find a moment in your day to pause and reflect on the affirmation presented for the week. Use this time to practice self-talk and kindly ask yourself how it fits into your journey. The affirmation can be interpreted in many ways, there is no right or wrong, it’s what you need at that moment.

Challenge yourself to reflect on your negative, self-destructive thoughts, remember to be kind yourself, this journey will be hard at times, but the result allows for you to feel empowered, motivated and in control over your thoughts and actions.

Find a place to keep the card for the week, in your car, your desk draws or in your purse, a place where you look often and the positive pathways are continuously being activated. A great addition to your reflective time is adding in breathing exercises or journaling.

Positive affirmations require regular practice if you want to make lasting, long-term changes to the ways that you think and feel. Try to pause at least 10 times a day. This regular repetition of affirming statements about yourself can encourage your brain to take these positive affirmations as fact. When you truly believe you can do something, your actions often follow (Moore, 2019).

For the Children

A moment to connect…

When using the sprout affirmation cards, it’s about creating a quiet moment where you sit and connect over a card. Allow your child to pick any card as this is the first step in showing them, they matter, their opinion matters, and they have a choice.

Sit with your child and calmly read over the affirmation card creating a safe space for them.

This is a moment where you explore the affirmation they chose, allowing for them to ask questions, allowing for you to gently ask questions. The questions you ask as a parent are to guide your child’s self-beliefs ensuring, they are positive. Taking the time to explore situations where they might have not felt what the affirmation card speaks. Reassuring them about their emotions and the way they are allowed to feel and demonstrating the correct way to act on those feelings.

Lastly, remind them that you are a safe, judgement-free space that they can always turn to as they tackle life and all the thoughts and emotions that come with it.